Thursday, July 9, 2020

Art Impression Boy & Girl

I have been playing with my Art Impression Stamps and water coloring on and off. These two images will go in frames for my grandchildren... when I am able to pick up some frames. As of now I don't "go shopping" except for necessities because of the Corona Virus.... so not sure when I will be able to give these two little pictures to my two little precious little ones.

 Thanks to AI's Bonnie Krebs, with a bit of practice anyone can really make these cute scenes! 
Not going to list all the stamps because I use a ton of them. All are from Art Impression, 
and I use Tombow Dual Brush Markers with these stamps. Thanks for visiting. 
Entering one of these in the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge Play with Paint.


  1. You need to make more of these and make them into cards...they are FANTASTIC.

    1. Thank you Cat. I actually have made a few into cards and sent them. But I don't always post everything I make on my blog! I agree they are nice. I took the intro class from Sandy Allnock for water coloring with stamps. I just need to finish the second class which is scenes! Although, I learned a lot just from her first class!
