I don't usually buy "kits" from the various paper crafting companies, but when I saw the Hero Arts kid for January, I couldn't resist. It looked like a great value for the cost and I loved the whole idea of a bouquet of flowers wrapped in newspaper. This was something I had admired in stamps before but never bought.

The kit is sold out now, but you can see all of the items in it as well as the pieces used to make the bouquet of flowers in the picture below. Making all the flowers, stems, and leaves was a bit tedious, but the results are wonderful. I used an inking method which I saw done by Jennifer McGuire here
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XtE8x8rd8w&t=670s rather than cut the flowers out of colored paper. I love how this turned out! Here is a close up of the card as well. I am placing this card on the Simon Says Stamp
Monday Challenge "Floral Frenzy."
Beautiful card, and that was a kit to buy for sure. Such fun.